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How to Implement a Grass-Fed Program on Your Farm


Grass-fed beef is also leaner than conventional beef; this means there will be less fat marbling in your steak or burger when cooking with grass-fed meat compared to regular supermarket products from factory farms that raise cattle on corn feedlots. These plants provide excellent nutrition for cattle.

Farming 52
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The Lunatic Farmer

No scientist has ever taken a methane sample from the cows on our farm. Would the data points derived from our pastured cows be different than a cow locked in a Fresno feedlot eating GMO corn and soybeans? Or anhydrous ammonia nitrogen fertilizer? Or superphsophate chemical fertilizer? Or factory farms?

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Opinion: To Find the Future of Food, We Need to Look to the Past

Modern Farmer

Catastrophe loomed everywhere I looked: in the dust bowls on the once-fertile plains of central Turkey, in the vanishing lakes of Mexico City, in the fetid cesspools outside the factory farms of North Carolina, in the disease-ravaged olive trees of Puglia, in the rapid wiping away of diverse food webs in every biome.

Food 141