Crop Rotation Systems For Sustainable Agriculture
OCTOBER 19, 2024
Crop rotation systems are essential practices in sustainable agriculture, designed to enhance soil health, improve crop yields, and reduce the dependency on che
OCTOBER 19, 2024
Crop rotation systems are essential practices in sustainable agriculture, designed to enhance soil health, improve crop yields, and reduce the dependency on che
OCTOBER 31, 2023
Crop rotation is a common agronomic practice that involves the systematic sequencing of different crops in a specific field over several seasons. This technique aims to enhance soil fertility, control pests and diseases, and optimize crop yield.
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Modern Farmer
AUGUST 31, 2023
What’s cover cropping all about, anyway? As with many eco initiatives, what was old is new again: Cover crops (or fallow season plantings; see more below) were first used during the Roman Empire as a way to boost the soil quality in vineyards. Cover crops refer to vegetation planted in empty fields— covering the soil, get it?—at
DECEMBER 19, 2023
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in regenerative agriculture, a holistic approach to farming that seeks to restore and revitalize the land while improving crop yields and overall farm profitability. This means increased crop yields and reduced inputs like fertilizers and pesticides.
World Agri-Tech
DECEMBER 12, 2023
Increasing crop yields while improving soil and watershed health requires understanding how agriculture management interacts with local environmental conditions. Corn Belt and Great Plains exploring how crop, soil and water management affect the soil microbial communities that drive agroecosystem functions.
JULY 24, 2023
Measuring a farm’s carbon footprint is not as simple as saying, “Cover crops were used, so that grain’s sustainably grown.” Two neighbors, Farmer A and Farmer B: both farm 1,000 acres and use the same crop rotation schedule. Farmer A tills 30% of their fields, uses cover crops on 20%, and applies anhydrous ammonia.
JANUARY 6, 2024
Herbicides are essential tools in modern agriculture, helping farmers manage weed infestations and maximize crop yields. However, it’s important to ensure that the mixtures are compatible and won’t harm the crop. Cover crops serve as a natural weed management solution while enhancing overall sustainability.
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