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Letter Regarding Plant-Incorporated Protectants Rule


This rule will disproportionally stifle innovation by publicly supported federal and academic plant breeders and smaller plant breeding companies, inhibiting their development of new varieties, particularly of specialty and other smaller acreage crops. These characteristics have been sought after by plant breeders for centuries.

Seeding 130
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NASDA’s Fiscal Year 2025 testimony submitted to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture


State departments of agriculture work in tandem with federal partners through cooperative agreements administered by USDA-APHIS, alongside industry, academia, and other stakeholders, to safeguard our Nation’s crops and forests against the entry, establishment, and spread of economically and environmentally significant pests.

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Coalition Letter Requesting Extension for Public Comment Period for Monarch Butterfly’s ESA Status Listing


Our coalition supports the development and implementation of public policies and laws that utilize the best available science and technology to ensure protection of human health and the environment. Apple Association U.S. Beet Sugar Association U.S. Canola Association U.S. Hop Industry Plant Protection Committee USA Rice Valent U.S.A

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