February, 2022

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What Does Ten Years Mean?

Agribusiness Blog

The IRS earlier this month release proposed regulations dealing with retirement plan rules after the passage of the SECURE Act in 2020. Before 2020, persons with IRAs and retirement plans would have to start taking out a required minimum distribution (RMD) by April 1 of the year after they turn age 70 1/2. The SECURE Act changed this to age 72 (which is easier for us to remember than 70 1/2).

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Choosing an Accounting Software


The software review guide provides a list of accounting options ** Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. Every business has different needs, and none of the information provided in this article is intended as financial advice. Please do your own research and speak with your accountant or financial advisor for specific financial recommendations.** The number of free and low cost accounting software options available has exploded in the last 10 year

Farming 52

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*BONUS* Bridging Echo Chambers Part One


Author and leadership advisor David Irvine discusses the strategies we can use to have constructive conversations about the livestock and environment issue. Even if we don’t agree with the other person. The Bridging the Echo Chambers project is a Food Water Wellness Foundation project that delves into the debate about the impacts of livestock on the environment and how we can facilitate healthy and constructive conversations between people who have different views and opinions.

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Fall in Love with February

The Gleaning Project of South Central PA

Happy End of February Gleaners! We are celebrating the end of February and moving into March with the last of our food holidays and updates! Just a reminder for any Gleaners who are interested: We will be having Empty Bowls at Gettysburg College on April 22nd from 5:30-7:00pm. We will continue to update you about that as it comes but we are SO EXCITED to be back in person (as long as things keep remaining safe!

Crop 52
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The Lunatic Farmer

Sunday’s Super Bowl garnered $7.6 billion in gambling activity. Name any problem and the weak link is not resources, money, or knowledge. The weak link is failure to imagine and then act. When we see a figure like $7.6 billion, we read it like any other statistic and go on about our day as if all is right in the world. For fun, I decided to put physical ramifications to $7.6 billion.

Pasture 52
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Crop Rotation Craziness (or rotations based on the land rather than schedules in books)

Hartwood Farm

I wanted to name this “Ignoring the (Crop Rotation) Experts,” but that title is way too loaded these days! However, in terms of crop rotation, I increasingly find the rigidity of ideas on how to do it chafing. This past weekend, I sent in our organic certification application. A lot of that application is submitting records and forms and attestations and showing how you can trace products from seeds to end sales.

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March 1 is Not a Due Date

Agribusiness Blog

It appears this is our week for discussing March 1 farm filers. We have gotten a few comments or emails regarding the farmer’s “due date” March 1 is not a due date for farmers. The due remains April 15 (or the 18th this year). March 1 simply allows the farmer not to have to pay any estimated taxes on January 15. The due date for the farmer remains April 15.

Farming 52

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*BONUS* Bridging Echo Chambers Part Two


Filmmaker and communications strategist Sarah Wray discusses communications techniques we can use to have constructive conversations about the livestock and the environment issue. Even if we don’t agree with the other person. The Bridging the Echo Chambers project is a Food Water Wellness Foundation project that delves into the debate about the impacts of livestock on the environment and how we can facilitate healthy and constructive conversations between people who have different views an

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Valentine's Day Special: Upcycled gifts!

The Gleaning Project of South Central PA

Hello Again Gleaners!! We're back for a special mid-month blog to help you come up with some ideas for Valentine's day using things you may already have floating around your house but might be wondering how you can use in a new way! We are all about sustainability and reusing things we already have so let's see what we can come up with! First up: Some framed designs!

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The Lunatic Farmer

In any group you're in, what's the most important equity in that group? It's not money. It's not fashion. It's not leisure. It's not soil, water, or air. In short, it's ideas. Whether your group is a Thanksgiving dinner with family, a political/legislative body, a non-profit, or a business team, the most important equity in any group, large or small--extending even to nations--is IDEAS.

Food 52
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Farm Math and the Unpriceable Deliciousness of Snap Peas

Hartwood Farm

Back on the math train we started last week, we did yet more number crunching this winter for the first time. I promise I will move off math for next week! Because we are a CSA farm, we’ve never done an item by item cost of production analysis because we know that some of the crops we grow are simply not going to be profitable. I know that it probably costs us $11 a quart or something crazy to grow and harvest peas and get them into the shares, but they’re so important and delicious that we will

Farming 52
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IRS Needs to Delay March 1 Filing Deadline

Agribusiness Blog

As we indicated in yesterday’s post, many farmers try to file and pay 100% of their income tax by March 1 each year. For most years, this can be a straight-forward process, but this year is not one of those years. The IRS initiated a new Form 7203 to track the income tax basis in S corporations. This form is required to be attached to the Form 1040 that a farmer is trying to file by March 1.

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Member Spotlight: Barinaga Ranch


Photo by: Paige Green New month, new member spotlight! This month we want to introduce you to Marcia Barinaga of Barinaga Ranch. Marcia joined CAFF because she wanted to be more involved in her community, plus she enjoys those nice membership perks! Favorite Moment of the Day Photo by: Paige Green “Watching my sheep graze, especially in the fading light at the end of the day or in the early morning light.

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*BONUS* Bridging Echo Chambers Part Three


Feedlot manager and proponent of holistic management and regenerative agriculture Andrea Stroeve-Sawa shares low-stress livestock handling tips we can use to have constructive conversations about the livestock and the environment issue. Even if we don’t agree with the other person. Andrea also shares what it was like for her to sit down and have that exact conversation with a vegan.

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How Do You Cook for a Race Horse?

Rachel Laudan

Pretty much like you’d cook for a wealthy human is the answer. Learning about horse feed at Hallway Feeds, Lexington, KY When I drive north through Lexington, Kentucky I pass… The post How Do You Cook for a Race Horse? appeared first on Rachel Laudan.

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The Lunatic Farmer

I deeply appreciate all the comments on my last post about factory farmed confinement dairy cows being fitted with VR goggles playing a loop of sunny green pastures to make them happy and therefore more productive. Several of you were already ahead of me by pointing out that a short test like this showing a massive increase in milk production (from 5 gallons a day to 7) does not a long-term trend indicate.

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The Nature of Time

Hartwood Farm

One of the things that I have a love/hate relationship with on the farm is time. Individual days and weeks can sometimes seem so long (especially when that harvest list runs onto three pages!), but since there’s so much repetition of patterns and tasks from year to year and day to day, it becomes hard to hold onto time beyond the general feel of seasonality.

Plowing 52
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Should the March 1 Tax Deadline Be Eliminated?

Agribusiness Blog

Farmers who file and pay all of their income tax by March 1 are allowed to not make an estimated tax payment on January 15. This is commonly called the farmer tax due date. However, it is not a formal due date but rather just allows the farmer not to have to make any estimated tax payments. The IRS released IR 2022-39 on the 17th reminding farmers that deadline was approaching.

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Small Farm FSMA Series Post 4 of 4


SMALL FARM FSMA SERIES – POST 4 of 4 Author: Stepheni Norton, Regional Food Safety Specialist FSMA is serious business, so we have a few disclaimers before we dig in. Advice provided here is general in good farm practice and meant for ALL FARMS Although tools are mentioned here, CAFF does not endorse or recommend any specific platform. BUILD FOR COMPLIANCE Regardless of your size or farm status, here are some built for compliance best practices that you can implement any time.

Farming 52
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Communications Coordinator


Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (RR2CS) is an Alberta-based initiative shining a spotlight on the climate solutions that farmers, ranchers and communities in rural Alberta can benefit from. RR2CS is happy to announce that we are seeking a Communications Coordinator to join our great team of community organizers, facilitators and communications specialists.

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Most K2/K3 Forms Don’t Need to be Filed This Year

Agribusiness Blog

The IRS announced on Tuesday February 15, 2022 that most K2/K3 reporting for 2021 can be delayed until the 2022 tax return filing. Here is the exact wording from the IRS: Coming relief from certain Schedule K-2 and K3 reporting: The IRS intends to provide certain additional transition relief for this year from the Schedule K-2 and K-3 reporting for certain domestic partnerships and S corporations with no foreign activities, foreign partners or shareholders, and without knowledge of partner or sh

Farming 52
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Update on K2/K3 Filing

Agribusiness Blog

Just a few hours after doing our blog post this morning on IRS no longer requiring most Farm K2/K3 to be filed this year, the IRS just released additional guidance in the form of FAQs. Question 15 provides additional details on what returns qualify for not filing K2/K3 and for a substantial majority of our farm partnerships and S corporations you will not be required to file this form and can file timely without having to do an extension.

Farming 52
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You Get to Keep the $12.060 Million Exemption

Agribusiness Blog

In our last post we discussed whether having a bypass trust is better than portability. A reader sent us a comment regarding the fact that the current $12.060 million exemption is scheduled to be cut in half beginning in 2026. That is correct for anyone that is living at that time (unless Congress makes it permanent). However, for anyone passes away before January 1, 2026, the full amount of the current unused exemption amount is available to the surviving spouse.

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Do I Need a Bypass Trust?

Agribusiness Blog

Portability was enacted in 2011. Before 2011, if a person died with unused lifetime exclusion, this excess exclusion was permanently lost. After 2010, the surviving spouse could elect to take that excess lifetime exclusion amount and add it to their exemption amount and have that available in their estate. By creating the ability to “port” the unused exclusion to the surviving spouse, the law seemed to eliminate the requirement to try to equalize assets between spouses in separate pr

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California Pass-Through Entity Elective Tax Benefits Update

Agribusiness Blog

Many farmers are located in states with high income tax rates such as California. Under current federal tax rules, your personal deduction for all state income taxes are limited to $10,000 for a single or married taxpayer (another example of the marriage tax penalty). Several of these states have enacted a method allowing you to deduct the equivalent of state income taxes on your partnership or S corporation.

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IRS to Stop Sending Notices

Agribusiness Blog

The IRS issued Notice 2022-31 this week to indicate they will stop sending several notices including automatic collections notices, etc. that likely are wrong due to their large backlog of unprocessed tax returns and other tax information. They also had indicated at the end of January that they will stop sending out CP-80 letters that indicates they received payments from the taxpayer without the corresponding tax return.

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More Guidance on K2 and K3 Forms

Agribusiness Blog

As expected we have already gotten some comments and questions related to our last post on the new Schedule K-2 and K-3. Here is one of those questions: On this K-2 and K-2 reporting requirement, if you know all your owners will be under the $300/$600 amounts and you can elect not to file Form 1116, does this get you out of the filing of K-2 and K-2 at the business return level?

Farming 52
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K-2 and K-3 Reporting Requirements

Agribusiness Blog

Many CPAs and other tax preparers have reached out to us regarding the new Schedule K-2 and K-3 reporting requirements. Carey Heyman, managing principal of our Real Estate Industry, recently provided a very good summary of the the K-2 and K-3 reporting requirements. The perception is that this new reporting requires a lot of time and effort to complete.

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Will This be the Last Year of 100% Bonus Depreciation

Agribusiness Blog

100% bonus depreciation is scheduled to drop to 80% bonus depreciation starting in 2023. Certain long-term assets have an extra year (such as orchard plantings). Bonus will drop by 20% each year thereafter until finally there is no bonus depreciation starting in 2027. However, Section 179 is still scheduled to be fully available and the current amount of Section 179 deduction allowed is $1,080,000 and the phase-out of the deduction starts once you place eligible assets into service of $2,700,000

Orchard 52
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Will We See an Increase in Section 2032A

Agribusiness Blog

The first Build Back Better text released by the House had proposed reducing the lifetime exclusion from the current $12.060 million to $5.030 million starting this year. However, the text also proposed increasing the current Section 2032A exclusion from $1.23 million to $11.70 million indexed to inflation. Section 2032A allows farmers and ranchers to reduce their farmland value from current highest and best use fair market value to the cash rent value.

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Canva Video Tutorial for the Small Farmer


Learn more about how both the free and paid version of Canva can support your small farm marketing needs! This tutorial is brought to you by the Small Farm Tech Hub at Community Alliance with Family Farmers. Learn more by visiting www.caff.org/TechHub or emailing techhub@caff.org. The post Canva Video Tutorial for the Small Farmer appeared first on Community Alliance with Family Farmers.

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7 Minute Mailchimp Tutorial for the Small Farmer


Learn the basics of using Mailchimp for email marketing for your small farm business. Brought to you by the Small Farm Tech Hub at Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF). Visit www.caff.org/TechHub to learn more. The post 7 Minute Mailchimp Tutorial for the Small Farmer appeared first on Community Alliance with Family Farmers.

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Exploring CSA Platforms: CSAware and Farmigo


RECORDING. Pronto proporcionará subtítulos en español. Explorando Los Plataformas de Agricultura Apoyada por la Comunidad – CSAware & Farmigo. In this peer-to-peer learning webinar, we will compare two popular online CSA management platforms: CSAware and Farmigo. Participants will have the opportunity to see the backend of these platforms as used by Mountain Bounty Farm (CSAware) and Live Earth Farm (Farmigo).

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Exploring Squarespace for Farm Websites & Online Sales


Spanish subtitles are available on Youtube and slides are available in Spanish ( Exploración de Squarespace para sitios web de granjas y comercio electrónico ) In this peer-to-peer learning webinar, we reviewed farmer experiences using Squarespace for their website hosting, building, and ecommerce. Participants had the opportunity to see the backend of these platforms used by Quantum Microgreens and BeeWorthy Farms.

Farming 52
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Creating Farm Maps Using GIS Software


CAFF invites you to a free tutorial that will introduce the mapping capabilities of Geographic Information Systems, or GIS. Using georeferenced data and aerial images, we will cover how to use GIS software to map farms, organize data, and plan the layout of crop beds and other farm features. Video link: [link] Learning Objectives: What is GIS? Accessing and Uploading GIS Data Digitizing Farm Features Crop Planning Adding Attribute Data Advanced Uses of GIS Tutorial guide can be viewed here.

Farming 52
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The Lunatic Farmer

Just when you thought factory farming couldn't become more egregious, imagine the animals wearing Virtual Reality (VR) goggles to make them think their life is good when it's not. What a twisted web of ethics this raises. Is it better for the animals to know they are being mistreated, or to trick them into thinking they aren't via VR? In Moscow, Russia, veterinarians have been testing VR goggles on factory farmed confined dairy cows and seeing significant increases in milk yield.

Pasture 40
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Producing the Perfect Potato and Soil Health to Handle Environmental Stress—The Perry Farm—Chin, Alberta


Producing the Perfect Potato and Soil Health to Handle Environmental Stress Mitigating soil disturbance, multi-species cropping, and transforming waste into energy and compost — The Perry Farm — Chin, Alberta By Trina Moyles If you’re enjoying a bag of potato chips in Western Canada, there’s a 1 in 5 chance the potatoes were grown by Harold Perry and his family at the Perry Family Farm , a fourth-generation operation located in Lethbridge County in southern Alberta.

Farming 52