From cast-iron plows to AI, farm innovation endures
Western FarmPress
NOVEMBER 26, 2024
Farmer Iron: No matter the century, farmers remain cautious before embracing new technology.
Western FarmPress
NOVEMBER 26, 2024
Farmer Iron: No matter the century, farmers remain cautious before embracing new technology.
Modern Farmer
JULY 31, 2023
A new in-app remote-sensing technology launching later this year in Ireland will allow farmers to accurately measure the height of grass in their grazing paddocks from space. Holden says this technology enables more efficient use of resources, serving to be more economically and environmentally sustainable.
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Trimble Agriculture
JULY 19, 2023
How AI in Agriculture Has Already Changed Us Even before self-driving cars hit the consumer market, farmers were plowing fields with GPS-guided tractors. In the mid-1990s, John Deere began using GPS technology for precision agriculture, combining GPS location data with sensor readings to determine crop yield.
DECEMBER 26, 2023
He would let the cover crop grow and overwinter and then plow down the following spring for green manure. Instead, I can terminate my winter cover and lightly plow it in this spring, put out my transplants, and undersow white clover. Then once again, a spring plow down and re-establishment of the white clover after transplanting.
Trimble Agriculture
OCTOBER 25, 2023
Meanwhile, farming has changed drastically, with the advent of smart technology and the aftershock of the 1980s Farm Crisis. Technology Is Changing Farming While Farm Lending Lags Behind New farm technology like AI has already irreversibly changed agriculture.
FEBRUARY 8, 2024
While ag tech might conjure images of robots and satellite-driven tractors plowing vast acreages, some innovators are focusing their ingenuity on the needs of smaller-scale farmers.
JULY 24, 2023
Trackable events include plowing, minimum-till cultivation, crop rotation, crop type, cover crop presence, irrigation events, harvest date, and crop residue presence. Leverage remote sensing to assess environmental impacts About one-third of the data needed to assess a field’s environmental impact can be provided by remote sensing.
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